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Moonfoxes Society by Mayk M: A Pixelated Tale in the NFT World

We’re turning the spotlight on Mayk M and his most recent NFT collection on AngryMonky in this post.

Mayk M: The Digital NFT Creator

Hailing from the vibrant country of Brazil, Mayk M transitioned from a digital marketing career to embark on a journey into the world of NFTs in 2022. The NFT revolution of the last few years, with its thriving community and boundless creativity, ignited a creative spark within him. 

Recognizing the vast potential for artists in the NFT market, he launched his debut NFT collection, “Moonfoxes Bits.”

Mayk firmly believes that NFTs are the future for creators and art enthusiasts. With dedication and continuous improvement in his artistic skills, he secured a spot in the Creator Program. Through this program, his NFT collection, the Moonfoxes Society, was born.

Moonfoxes Society in a Nutshell

Collection: Moonfoxes Society

Creator: Mayk M

Number of NFTs: 10,000

Blockchain: Polygon (MATIC)

Marketplace: AngryMonky

Official website: https://moonfoxesbits.wixsite.com/mint/society

Moonfoxes Society Collection

The Moonfoxes Society is an NFT collection created by Mayk M, featuring 10,000 pixelated foxes. The collection was first minted on Stream Chain, and later it was migrated to Polygon (MATIC). The intention behind this collection is what makes it unique: 20% of the collection’s profit will go to organizations that support abused and abandoned foxes.

These pixelated foxes come to life in various outfits and accessories, from whimsical witch hats and fish bowls to Dracula wings, lighting, and spears. These foxes also feature an array of human-like expressions that make them feel like mischievous digital pets.

Moonfoxes Society is about making a positive impact in the world. Each NFT holds the potential to create change for abandoned and abused foxes and contribute to animal welfare causes.

Mayk’s journey to the vibrant AngryMonky community showcases the boundless opportunities for artists in the evolving NFT space. As you explore the pixelated foxes of the Moonfoxes Society, remember that each contribution can make the world a better place for these animals. 

Claim Your Moonfoxes NFT 

Users who own Moonfoxes NFT on STRMNFT can claim them on AngryMonky by verifying their email address. Join Mayk M in his endeavor to support and protect foxes around the world. See our NFT migration guide for more information on the migration process.

In case you have any questions, reach out to us on the AngryMonky Global Telegram community or email us at [email protected].

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