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Custom Token Creation Feature: More Utility for Your NFT Collections

With AngryMonky’s new custom token creation feature, creators now have the power to seamlessly merge their NFT collections with personalized tokens.

Token Creation Feature

AngryMonky uses Open Zeppelin, an open-source framework, to generate secure smart contracts and instantly deploy tokens to the creator’s wallet. Token creators can choose the name, ticker, and total supply for their token and effortlessly set the tokenomics. This innovative token feature also allows the creation of tokens on both Ethereum (ERC-20) and BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20) for free.*

*A gas fee is applicable when creating tokens on the respective networks.

To locate any custom token, navigate to the collection’s Token section on AngryMonky Marketplace. Users can access key token details, such as name, holders, tokenomics, and a link to the token contract, in the respective block explorer. Holders and other enthusiasts can even add these tokens to their wallets by clicking the MetaMask logo. In addition to the existing utilities, this enhances the collection’s visibility within the community and enhances an NFT collection with utilities.

Note: Each NFT collection can only have one custom token, as multiple tokens for a single collection are not possible.

Custom Token Creation: 5 Insights To Know

Let’s dive into 5 insights about the hassle-free custom token creation feature on AngryMonky.

1. Easy Minting

AngryMonky has simplified the token creation process to make it user-friendly, regardless of technical expertise. With just a few simple clicks, creators can deploy a custom token for their NFT collection with ease.

2. No Extra Fees

With AngryMonky’s new token creation feature, creators can enjoy minting their custom tokens without any additional fees or hidden charges. All they have to do is pay the gas fee on their respective blockchains.

3. No Need for Coding

Do not worry if coding is not your forte! AngryMonky eliminates the need to know the coding language to create a token on the blockchain. Simply follow our intuitive interface and create the token effortlessly.

4. Free Listing on CEX

Creators can increase the visibility and accessibility of their tokens by listing them for free on any one Centralized Exchange (CEX). AngryMonky empowers creators by providing them with a platform to showcase their tokens to a wider audience without any listing fees.

5. Mint Directly in Wallet

Creators have complete ownership over their tokens and can securely manage their assets as these custom tokens are directly minted in their wallets.

For any queries, head to our Global Telegram community or email [email protected].

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